Factors affecting slope instability:
Following are some of the factors causes slope instability.
a) Natural slope
b) Embankment
c) Excavation
- Instability in natural slopes
Following are some of the factors which may be the cause of the instability in the natural slopes, individually or may be their combination.
- Change in the slope’s profile, which means to add weight at the top or to decrease the resistive force at the bottom or at the base. For example increase in the steepness of the existing slope or undercutting of the existing slope.
- Frictional resistance in the cohesion less soil or the swell in the cohesive soil is decreased by the increase in the moister contents. This increase in the moisture may results due to many reasons such as rain fall, snow melt, see page from artificial source, etc.
- Due to weathering, leaching, opening of fissures and many other sources the progressive…
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