Following are the different terms related to seismic or earthquakes
The branch of science which deals with the study of earthquake is known as seismology.
The earthquake is a result of various waves known as seismic waves. The instrument which is used to observe these waves is known as seismograph.
The seismic waves are in a specific arrangement. The graph representing these arrangements is known as seismogram.
Seismic center:
The point from which an earth quake is originated is known as seismic center.
Above a focus vertically there is a point which is known as epicenter.
Anti centre:
The point which is opposite in direction to epicenter is known as anti center.
Intensity of earthquake:
Intensity of an earthquake is defined as the destruction caused by earth quake.
Isoseismal lines:
When earth quake is recorded then a line is drawn to show earth quakes of equal intensity these lines are known as isoseismal lines.
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