Bonds In Bricks:
The arrangement of bricks in brick work so that the vertical joints do not come over each other is known as brick Bond.
Why Brick Bonds are Provided ?
- Bonds in brick work is provided to achieve a united mass as soon as practicable* to suit the length, height and thickness of brick work and stresses to which it is subjected.
- To break the continuity of vertical joints and to provide proper bond in brick masonry portion of brick ( closers or bats) are provided in alternative courses.
The portions made by cutting Brick across its length in such a manner that its one stretcher face remains uncut or half cut.
Below is the Diagram of king closer.
The above diagram is showing the Quoin** Closer.
The portions mad by cutting standard bricks across their width are known as brick bats.
These are named according their fraction of full length of a standard brick.
Practicable*Able to be done Success fully.
- An external angle of a wall or building.
- a corner stone.
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